Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sugar Gliders
Sugar gliders are marsupials belonging to Indonesia, Australia and New Guinea. They are small gliding possums and weight up to three to five oz. They have a silky fur of the color pearl grey with patches of colors cream and black. The black color is usually on their ears and end of the tail. They are named sugar gliders because they are able to glide because of the patagium or the skin membrane which connects first toe of the hind foot with the fifth finger of the forelimb, on either side. They expand them to create an aerodynamic plane to glide from one tree to another.
Sugar gliders have the habit of nibbling on each other, and this shouldn’t be confused with biting. They nibble to do many things like testing food, to show affection, force, groom, etc. Babies initially are taught by biting. When they are angered, they get aggressive and bite really hard. So, new owners should be alert until the pets becomes familiar and stops biting. Care should be taken that this biting shouldn’t turn into a habit. Incase, if it turns into a regular behavior, the animal should be held firmly when it bites, so that it cannot move and gets tired of crabbing. Although this takes a long time the pet will eventually get over its natural instinct. The animal must submit to the owner and it shouldn’t be given the feeling it has won. He should also be released very slowly; otherwise it will bite again and flee. Also, they can be fed with some food, to appreciate their discipline when they start learning. They also become comfortable with humans, when they eat in front of them. Usually female sugar gliders are tough to tame, especially those which come directly from the wild.Sugar gliders come from a very rough environment. They are basically hunting animals. So they should be provided with a rich environment so that they don’t get disturbed mentally. The cage should be very big so that they can leap freely. Small cages hinder the health of the animal. They are also very active and need exercise. Their cage should be equipped with toys like exercise wheels with a diameter of eleven inches. They are also very inquisitive animals, so new things like cardboard boxes, should be introduced in their cage from time to time to prevent boredom. The food can also be placed in different places to keep them on their heels. Food can also be hidden in branch holes, which they can dig out.The cage of sugar gliders should be cleaned every week to ensure their hygiene. The urine should be spot cleaned as the ammonia in it can be very harmful to the respiratory system of sugar gilders. Also the moisture can encourage the growth of harmful fungus. If the cage isn’t cleaned for a long time, not only will the occupants become sick but also the house will be filled with odor. Some precautions should be taken while cleaning the cage and also it should be sprayed with disinfectant so as to kill the germs and bacteria.
Sugar gliders are habituated to living in groups. That is the reason why they are never kept alone as pets, as this will adversely affect their health. It also requires attention from humans around it. They cling onto each other when they sleep, so as to keep warm. They communicate with each other by squeaking, crabbing, chirping and barking. They have a good memory and can retain a grudge against a human after receiving harm from him, even if it was caused by accident.Females have the ability to beget offspring every seven to ten months. They give birth to a baby sugar glider after sixteen days of pregnancy, which usually weighs only 0.2 grams. After the birth, the baby shifts to the mother’s pouch, where it stays for seventy days and feeds on milk from the nipples. Both the mother and father have equal participation of bringing up their offspring.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Sugar – a Surprising Skin Beautifier, and Effective Remedy for Acne Prone Skin
Here’s what to do:
After cleaning face and rinsing completely cover face with soothing acidic oil – such as olive oil. Apply granulated sugar the oil acts as a medium; holding it on the face, preventing the face from being scraped or scratched. Gently roll the “sand” mixture across the skin do not press, do not rub too briskly. Use small circular motions, not sweeping ones. Be careful not to press hard, or stretch the skin.After sugar dissolves about one minute, use warm water and a good cleanser to wash the solution away. Rinse at least a dozen of times to thoroughly remove alkaline residue.Using this method to exfoliate your skin once in the morning and again in the evening is an effective remedy for acne because it “peels” away dead skin cells, and removes bacteria-attracting debris that clogs pores. It also speeds up new cell growth for younger looking skin; mature complexions look radiant and more youthful.
This technique is safer than a chemical peel and less irritating to the skin than a deep skin peel. Visible benefits are immediately realized; dramatic results seen in about three weeks.Another variation involves omitting the olive oil. Instead, dampen washcloth with warm water. Add a mild facial cleaning agent; I like Clean & Clear Foaming Facial Cleanser for Sensitive Skin. It is an inexpensive yet effective cleaner.
Add to tablespoon sugar. Apply to damp face, using same circular method described above to exfoliate. Rinse well. Apply moisturizer of choice.Using a mild liquid facial cleanser instead of olive oil is quicker, because it omits the need to follow with a seco
Other benefits of this home-remedy exfoliating cleansing method are this: sugar is a natural substance, procedure is simple and inexpensive; sugar benefits the skin because it attracts moisture. Sugar granules are safer than (let’s say) granulated fruit pits, because they dissolve. Lastly, and most importantly, a sugabrasion really works! It is one sweet remedy for acne prone skin, and adds a healthy glow to your complexion for younger looking skin.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
How To Get A Rush Without The Sugar
Acupressure Energy Boost
Acupuncture and Acupressure share a network of vital energy points situated along meridian channels throughout the body. For thousands of years these points have been used to influence qi (chi), the body's subtle energy force, for a wide variety of physical and emotional benefits.The University of Michigan recently finished an intensive study that set out to prove that acupressure can provide an effective natural energy boost. Lead researcher, Dr Richard Harris, explains "it [acupressure] seems to stimulate the nerves that moderate attention and alertness".
Tapping the Sweet Spot
Students in the trial experimented with massaging five acupressure points for three minutes each. The most effective and stimulating point was the Si Shen Chong point, known to acupuncturists as one of the extraordinary acupoints (HN1), and found right in the centre of the top of the head.Participants in the trial found the most effective way to get a sugar-free energy boost, was to tap this point lightly with the fingertips for two or three minutes.The point used in this trial is one of the extra energy points sometimes used in the EFT meridian points tapping sequence. The beauty of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is that it uses a series of potent acupuncture and acupressure points that not only give the body a natural energy boost, but can also be used to control addictive cravings for sugar and popular stimulants like caffeine.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
refined sugar
Refined sugar is ubiquitous in our culture. Simply visiting a local supermarket, one is convinced that the most common ingredient found in our food today is refined sugar. Omitting the obvious sources like candy and soda pop (which usually occupy 2-3 isles), sugar is hidden in almost all processed foods in the forms of evaporated cane juice, high fructose corn syrup, and molasses. But how unhealthy is sugar? Is it only its high caloric content that induces obesity and all its associated diseases? Or is sugar far more harmful than the calories it adds on?
As a personal trainer, I often advise my clients to avoid refined sugar. Many that are active still believe that as long as they are active, sugar does not have impact on their health. Based on the research I have done, that is a false statement. In fact, refined sugar may seriously debunk your fitness efforts.
First, sugar is not real food! Refined sugar is stripped of all its nutritious values. Consequently, refined sugar cannot be effectively utilized by the body, and if it is not used for immediate energy it will be stored in the liver. Liver capacity for sugar is limited. Daily intake of refined sugar can cause the liver to release sugar back into the blood stream in the form of fatty acids. This often causes unhealthy weight gain that could lead to obesity, and eventually other problems like heart disease.
Refined sugar has no vitamins and no minerals. However, the true dangers of refined sugar are its metabolites; purvic acid and abnormal sugar containing five atoms. According to Dr. William Coda Martin, a poison is any substance that can induce a disease. Based on this general definition, refined sugar can be easily categorized as a poison. These metabolites are toxins to the body, mainly because they interfere with respiration of cells. If the cells are not getting their oxygen, they will eventually die. The death of these cells can take a long time. Therefore, daily intake of sugar may ensue a degenerative disease like cancer, diabetes, osteoarthritis and many more.
Effects of sugar on health and fitness. Sugar has been linked to poor health and obesity for several decades. The following list explains how sugar can have an impact on your health and impede your fitness goals.
o Refined sugar leaches the reserve of vitamins and minerals stored in your body. Depletion of these nutrients impedes the rebuilding process of tissue therefore adversely affecting the response to exercise.
o Refined sugar increase acidity in the body. To neutralize this acid state, the body draws calcium from bones and teeth making them weaker and more susceptible to degeneration.
o Excess sugar is stored in liver. When liver capacity is reached, excess sugar is released into blood stream in the form of fatty acid. Sugar it is then stored as fat on vital organs (possibly causing their malfunctioning) and area least metabolically active (i.e. belly).
o Refined sugar invades the lymphatic system (disease fighting system). This results in increased white blood cells production and therefore the rebuilding of tissue slows down. The response to strengthening training decreases since the body cannot rebuild its self as effectively.
o Since sugar has an effect on the lymphatic system, the immune system is less resilient. One is therefore more susceptible to attacks on the body (i.e. common cold).
It is clear that sugar has more harm to health than the mere calories it may add to ones diet. Use caution when choosing foods that may have refined sugar and try to replace them with natural sweets like fruit, maple syrup, stevia, or raw unfiltered honey.
Stop Sugar Crash and Regain your Energy
What happens what energy fluctuates throughout the day? Does refined sugar have anything to do with that?
There is good chance that those who consume refined sugar often experience a sugar crash. Americans consume approximately 175 pounds of refined sugar a year. Sugar is omni-present in our diet for two reasons. It is cheap to produce. Nearly all of highly processed foods in supermarkets have some corn syrup or other sugar. Corn grows easily through out Midwest and is relatively cheap to harvest. Secondly, processed sugar products, like protein bars, are easily stored and replace REAL meals for a lot of people.
Finally, many people consume sugar because it gives them a short burst of energy. Sugar is not digested in the stomach but enters the lower intestine and thence the blood stream quickly. This leads to brisk insulin secretion which causes the sugar to be absorbed by the tissue at an accelerated rate. This is why we feel awaken after sugar consumption. Eventually, however, the blood sugar level drops and most feel fatigued, irritated, and lethargic.
The body learns quickly. So, the more sugar we consume the more we crave it. The metabolism becomes dependent on refined sugar, so most us feel the need to consume it. Consequently, in attempt to avoid sugar crash most consume sugar throughout the day in order to maintain focus and energy to get through the day.
The following are some tips to avoid sugar crash:
o Eat a balanced breakfast with no sugar (i.e. eggs, bacon, and oatmeal)
o Limit sweets to 2 times a week
o Stay away from white flour for lunch and eat plenty of vegetables
o Eat 4-5 metabolically balanced meals a day (protein, fat, carbohydrates)
o Eat sweets only after a large balanced meal (with plenty of protein)
o Eat plenty of complex carbs throughout the day (vegetables and whole grains)
o Don't eat sugar before sleep
Ralph Klisiewicz, is a certified personal trainer and a certified muscle activation technique specialist working in Chicago area - Chicago Personal Trainer
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ralph_Klisiewicz