Why is eating refined sugar such a big deal anyhow? We have been told to reduce our sugar for years, but why? "Too much sugar will rot your teeth!" Isn't that what Grandma always used to say? Well she may be right, but if that is the only hold up, dental care has come a long way in the last 50 years. I certainly want my teeth to last my entire life, but if worst came to worst, I can certainly remedy that argument with modern medicine. There are a lot of other reasons sugar should be reduced that are less easily remedied.
Refined sugar consumed over the course of a lifetime has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, stomach problems, hardening of the arteries, depression, ADD, ADHD, obesity, and other serious illnesses. There is a lot of research that explains the link to these diseases and conditions in great detail. But for me as scary as these negative health conditions are I like to keep things simple, if I am filling up on sweets, I am missing the opportunity to eat something that could give my body health.
As parents, we really need to consider what this means for our children. What kind of patterns are we starting for our children when we load their little bodies with refined sugars and empty calories? What type of path are we leading them down? Giving our children sugar not only fills them up with empty calories it actually robs their growing bodies of vital nutrients. Sugar actually leaches minerals and B-vitamins from your child's body.
Reducing refined sugar can dramatically help our bodies and our children's growing bodies. Unless we are aware of an existing medical condition such as diabetes or hypoglycemia, remedying this issue is quite simple. Make the switch from highly refined sugars to natural ones. Provide natural sweets in your home that offer nutrients, living enzymes, and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals.
We don't have to eliminate sweets from our homes; we simply need to make a shift. Simple choices can make dramatic differences in our personal health and the health of a growing child. Here are a few tips:
Keep fresh fruit on hand. When you go to the pool or the park simply say, "If you are hungry I brought some apples." Who is going to pick a filling delicious sweet apple when a cookie is offered first? Not most children. An apple is filled with living enzymes and nutrients that help your child grow and give them energy to perform well in school, sports, music, and other activities. -And chances are if you bring apples for the kids, that will be what you snack on as well.
Prepare fresh desserts and treats at home. Toss a variety of your favorite fruits into a blender and enjoy a nourishing fruit smoothie. Add some raw cacao and you have a chocolate shake. Throw some bananas into the freezer, and then run them through an ice cream press. You will be surprised how much your children will love these sweets. And you can feel great about serving them instead of handing out highly refined sugars.
Use natural sweeteners such as raw agave nectar, raw honey, or stevia. There are many great natural sweeteners on the market today. Simply visit your local health food store and ask them to explain the pros and cons of each.
We all want to live a life of abundance and physical health. Start today by making a simply shift to lowering the refined sugar in your diet. We all want to give our children the best opportunities in life. We go out of our way to create rich opportunities and experiences for our children. We spend time, money, and energy taking them to lessons, tutors, and classes. Why not create the opportunity for our children to have true health and vitality. If you feel like your child is healthy now, imagine what he or she might be like when filling his or her body with nutrient rich foods. You and your child could experience a new level of health...and keep your teeth!
The answer to why we should reduce the refined sugar in our diet and our children's is simple. It gives us more opportunities to fill our bodies with nutrients and life giving foods. We can still enjoy sweets, just keep them natural. Fresh fruits, naturally sweetened foods, and other naturally sweet desserts and treats are delicious and provide nutrients. It isn't necessary to remove sugar from our diets, just make a better choice and select natural sweets!
Carolyn Pennington is the author of this article and Naturally Sweet Recipes; delicious recipes your entire family will enjoy. Please visit http://www.naturallysweetrecipes.com for more info about the book.